
The iPad Plan to introduce iPad2 to the classrooms in EYFS

IPads in KS1 - 13 items of 12 x 16Gb WiFi iPads + 1 x 3G iPad

Campus Infrastructure Considerations

  • Signal Strength: If you’re using wifi iPads then you’ll need a strong and reliable connection to the web. That relies on two things:
    • Solid incoming bandwidth.
      • Have you thoroughly tested the speed of your Internet connection at different times of the day? (a website such as will help test your connection speed)
      • Yes The connection speed is good and stable - 1Gbit bandwidth.
      • Can teachers connect reliably using a wired connection? If the wired connection isn't fast and reliable then your wireless network definitely won't be either.
      • Both - the wired/ wireless connection
    • Wireless signal and distribution:
      • Do you have the wireless infrastructure to support a successful implementation? Are you using industrial strength hardware or patching together a cheaper solution with more home oriented access points and hardware?
      • Industrial by Ruckuss.
      • Is the signal being distributed evenly and reliably to different parts of the campus?
      • Yes - will continue to add Ruckus Access Points (AP) around KS1
      • Have you tested for any dead spots in classes or around campus? Has anyone walked around campus and conducted a thorough signal test?
      • Yes. Signal from Laptop Trolley stretches to Head teacher’s office and across the playground from the Reception classroom test date: 20th April 2011
      • Can you support a large volume of devices connecting at the same time? This is critical. Just because one device can connect with adequate speed doesn't ensure that a classroom full of devices will be able to connect.
      • Yes - Ruckus is set to load balance the bandwidth distribution


  • Wireless Network:
    • iPads apps require direct access to the web (no login). Will your iPads connect through a separate wireless network that allows them to pass through directly?
    • No. School network
    • Will you create a separate policy that identifies iPads on your existing wireless network and treats them differently?
    • Yes. iPads will only connect to the web and via local WiFi link. Network drives will be added later if at all.
    • Will they be subject to existing web filtering when browsing or will you need to consider adding a web filter to your network?
    • Web filtering will be via children’s safe web browser not Safari unless signed in via School locked account.


  • Group Device Management:
    • Where will devices be stored and charged?
    • Cabinet  - tbc
    • Will you use a mobile cart?
    • Yes.
    • Do you have a procedure for keeping the cart locked and secure? Do your teachers know it?
    • Teachers will know it and will be similar to the Laptop trolley in place already.
    • Do you have a clearly defined procedure for distributing and collecting the iPads?
    • As of 20/4/2011 no. TBC
    • Do you have a clearly defined Acceptable Use Policy? Has it been communicated to students and parents?
    • It will be part of Initial meet the teachers for iPads in Reception in August 2011
    • How will you deal with issues such as damage or theft?
    • Through Headteacher and Senior management.
    • Do you have a set procedure for how and when the iPads will be synchronized and updated?
    • Yes. Nightly due to charging and syncing time needed.
    • Are your IT staff trained on the technology and care of mobile devices such as iPads?
    • No. But will be.


  • Classroom:
    • Do your classrooms have appropriate ambient lighting for iPad use? Is there a problem with glare?
    • No. Initially Reception classes have covered areas.
    • Do you need to consider purchasing window blinds?
    • No
    • Do you have a location that's convenient to classrooms for cart storage (if you intend on using one)?
    • Yes.
    • Have you considered using furniture that moves easily and enables students to sit and work in small groups?
    • Have considered bean bags and cushions.


  • Individual Device management
    • How will you identify each iPad? Some options include using a sticker, screen wallpaper image or engraving.
    • Engraving if it’s an option on bulk orders. Stickers with the IP address too.
    • What numbering scheme will you use for the iPads? You should consider using a numbering scheme that identifies their use or location. eg. Science07, Room107-1
    • Will consider when more are purchased.
    • Will you know which iPad each student is using at any one time? Do you have a procedure for identifying how they are being distributed?
    • Will consider when more are purchased.
    • How will you deal with settings on the iPad such as arrangement of apps, wallpaper images and more? Will you allow teachers or students to change settings?
    • They will be synced daily - so that the ICT Coordinator and IT Dept. will set the pages via the Main iMac iTunes account.
    • Will you use earbuds? Earbuds can be very helpful if they are listening to media in class. If you plan on using them you’ll probably want each student to have their own pair rather than share them.
    • Headphones are to be bought separately - not ear bud types.
    • Will you use iPad covers? When buying a cover you’ll need to consider use - for example, do you need a cover that can prop it up for typing?
    • Purchase of screen covers and hard plastic cases. Prop ups for typing are to be purchased later.
    • Are you using any applications that might benefit from the use of a stylus?
    • no
    • How will you clean the screens? Make sure you don’t use any cleaning fluids.
    • Students will be taught to do this.


  • Application Purchase and Management
    • How will apps be purchased and distributed? Will you purchase, manage and synchronize to one central account or different accounts?
    • The school will need to open an iTunes account with the school credit card. The ICT coordinator will then request the purchase of iTunes Gift Vouchers. These will need to be posted in the UK to use the UK iTunes store. The Taiwan store doesn’t have the content needed for school.
    • DHL will collect and deliver the gift vouchers to school and school will pay for the delivery out of the KS1 ICT budget. The school iTunes account will not be initialised using the credit card, instead the purchase of credit will be as above for the account - Explains how it will work
    • Order procedure re: DHL from UK to TW
    • For our case, please below for the procedure:
  1. Fill out an application form
  2. DHL will provide a quote of how much to pay
  3. bank transfer to DHL account here in Taiwan
  4. DHL Taiwan will inform DHL UK of the payment has been received
  5. DHL UK to deliver your document

    • In order to fill out the form, please provide UK supplier’s information to me, and I need:
    • Name of company:_______________
    • Address:________________
    • Postcode (Zip code):_____________
    • Telephone no. ______________
    • Fax no. ________________
    • Name of contact person: _______________
    • Email address of contact person:________________
    • It may takes about 10 working days. I should let you know when it is all done.
    • If different accounts, how will you segment the purchasing and management of apps?
    • There will be one account.
    • Will you use multiple accounts for individual teachers, classrooms and/or departments?
    • There will be one account.
    • Remember that you can synchronize to multiple accounts on any individual computer.
    • N/a
    • Will teachers be given permission to install apps on their iPads and/or student iPads?
    • No. The ICT co-ordinator will the only person to install and manage apps onthe iPads.
    • Will you ensure that students are blocked (using Parental Controls) from purchasing apps?
    • Yes.
    • Who will manage purchases with Apple’s volume purchasing plan? The VPP grants around a 50% discount on volume app purchases and is legally required if you plan on synchronizing and distributing apps to sets of iPads.
    • Volume purchasing is not available in Taiwan as of 20th April 2011


  • Content Management:
    • How will you push content out to students? A web based method is preferable.
    • All web based maintaining the ICT ethos of Home and School are the same.
    • Does content need to stored and distributed using methods that utilize permissions and logins to ensure privacy and security?  If you are sharing iPads then you should test it thoroughly ahead of time as the iPad  caches logins and provides automatic access (meaning one user may automatically be logged into another user's account).
    • Will be part of the testing procedures when they arrive.
    • Where will students store and organize their own content? If they cannot take the iPad with them, are you using cloud based storage that will give them content access outside of class? If you’re sharing iPads, you may want to set up a unique email address on each iPad that can be used by students to email and move files.
    • Will be looking in to an App that can do this. Drop box or Evernote is a possibility.
    • Do you need a procedure for periodic deletion of iPad content?
    • Yes. - Termly or Bi-Annually due to the lower 16Gb (10Gb) drive space.

Pedagogical Considerations:

  • Pedagogical Models:
    • Have you discussed how the use of iPads will be integrated into your educational processes?
    • ICT lessons initally in Reception to allow the children to be comfortable with them. Then guided lessons in class with the teachers. The teachers in the meantime will take them home and use them to familiarise themselves too. Within on term teachers should have at least run several lessons with the class with an iPad focus.
    • Jan 2012 iPads will be used for ICT lessons and classrooms as a daily routine.
    • 1:1 programs typically work best within an experiential, project based environment where students are encouraged to use technology to research, explore and create.
    • Is your school encouraging a student centered model of learning or do many of your teachers still use predominantly frontal teaching methods?
    • TBC
    • Is there a pedagogical vision for the technology deployment? Have you considered creating a mission statement that guides the deployment and use of technology and demonstrates how it might fit within the school’s overall vision?
    • Would need further thought on where Technology fits in after the 2011 -2012 ICT focus has gotten under way. Would be considering the replacement of the computers in one of the ICT labs with a more mobile computing focus.


  • Application Usage:
    • Have you explored and identified different applications that teachers want to use?
    • Yes
    • Have you tested these applications and ensured they meet required standards and comply with your educational objectives?
    • will do not as of 20/4/2011
    • Are there existing projects that require teachers and students use specific applications? If so, will they be able to use them on the iPads? Has this been tested? Some desktop applications will not work on the iPad or may work very differently.
    • Are you using applications that require flash? Some example include popular websites such as VoiceThread and Glogster. Flash based sites will not currently work on the iPad.
    • Will be explained in the training.
    • Have you decided on a set of core apps for important functions such as note taking, document distribution, book reading and more?
    • Working on this right now through initial searching. Will request that teachers, when they have their time with them to look for apps that are mostly free but also suitable to their plans.


  • Professional Development:
    • Have you allocated sufficient ongoing time for staff professional development? It's vital that that faculty have regular sessions where they can learn and exchange experiences with each other.
    • Will do
    • Professional development often focuses heavily on "technology training". Make sure it also guides teachers towards best educational practices for utilizing technology (student centered, project based etc).
    • Have you looked into web sites and online networks for teachers to connect, collaborate and learn from other teachers and schools?
    • Will introduce social sites like and stumbleupon for excellent resources.


  • eBooks:
    • How important and urgent is it for you to transition from paper based books to eBooks? Have you discussed and decided whether to move to the use of eBooks in courses or remain with paper books?
    • Books and book sites such as Meegenius have been thought about and will be shared with the teachers.
    • Have you looked into the availability of eBooks for your curriculum?
    • Yes but mostly for older students in Year 2 and KS2
    • Are the available eBooks digital copies of their paper based counterparts or do they include interactivity and multimedia?
    • N/a to Reception
    • Have you looked into eReaders and specific course apps for using your eBooks?
    • N/a to Reception
    • Have you looked into annotation tools?
    • N/a to Reception


  • Community:
    • Have you discussed the technology implementation with other stakeholders in your educational community such as your school board and parent community?
    • To be shared in the ICT steering Committee meeting.
    • Do they understand how it fits into the greater vision and mission of the school?
    • Possibly.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Purchase iPads,
kit etc
install Ruckus AP
Test WiFi signal
testing sync testing power usags purchase install initial apps hand out to teachers introduce to students (August 2011) run  in ICT lessons
Teachers to trial in class
Teachers to run in class and in all ICT lessons
Jan 2012