Learning 2.014

Teaching Governance, anrachy, dictatorship and Citizenship with MinecraftEDU in the Primary School

Primary school teachers, tech leaders, teaching assistants, Minecraft Nerds and Novices.

Minecraft is a phenomenon. It draws children in and enthuses them in many ways from collaborative building exercises to understanding how a community works to building apartment-sized working scientific calculators.
This workshop demonstrates how class teachers (with absolutely no Minecraft experience) are able to control a MinecraftEDU server (in many locations) and teach the topic of Citizenship. The topic is a 3-4 week plan and can be extended in as many ways as you see fit for your school.

A synopsis of what is covered here from our planning:

The students will be able to demonstrate their empathy and social awareness skills as they share and explore how the global community responds and whether, in some cases, a proactive approach to environmental issues should be pursued. Children will understand what we mean by community. To be aware that they are part of the community and therefore have some responsibility within their own community.


  • You will, as a participant, be able to see that as a complete novice you can run tech-led series of lessons by allowing students to take control of their learning.
  • You will learn how to use the basics of MinecraftEDU and how to run this in your school.
  • You will walk away with a series of very detailed plans (written by Nicky please back reference and give credit where you can) and resources to be able to run this topic the very next day in your school.
  • There will be examples of ready-built worlds (you can design your own of course), advice on pitfalls with in the lessons and our take on what can be improved for the next installment of the topic.
  • We will also share both parental and student viewpoints on learning about community values and what it now means to them after this topic.

Nicky Hodges is a class teacher, Assistant Head of Year 6 at Tanglin Trust School, Singapore and is a key part of our Technology integration team in the junior school. @nickyhodges3

Glenn Malcolm is Head of Integrated Technology at Tanglin Trust and has been a leader of technology within FOBISIA schools in Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan and now Singapore spanning the last 10/11 years. @glennmalcolm and here at the edtechlounge.com