Check these Websites and Post a Comment
Dear students,
I have decided to post a few links to see what you think of some websites. Your task is to tell me what you think of the products or services they provide. Would you buy them or use them? If not, who might use them? How would you alert your friends to ignore them if you saw them? Who else might you tell or rather should tell?
First, I would like you to put your headphones on and watch these films.
2. Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie
3. The World's cupply of chocolate is almost gone!
7. Havidol
Once you have commented on the sites check for a reply to your comment or reply to another person's comment. Remember to say, in this order, the number or the title of the page first. Do not post your full name or choose a username that refers to your age, gender or location.
Then, have a go at this quick quiz.