Entries in Toca Boca (1)


Reception iPads and Toca Boca App

Today we made a great start on the use of two apps to make a mini project.

What you need: Toca Boca's Paint My Wings App ($0.99) found here

and The Free Art App Clear Painting from Digital Brain Wash from here.

The Art App allows you to take a photo and import to the app then edit it to make your own Butterfly wings.

 You can see from the images how the lesson progressed from using Paint My wings to making their own butterflies on their own photos form the front facing camera. It took several attempts to get the images just right with nearly half the children needing a wing to be done first for them. 

What I would take form this is remind the children to use the camera ONCE! the number of ties they reverted back to the camera once they worked out how to use it properly was astounding.

Which brings me to informing what works: anything with a camera app! The engagement from the children was astounding especially for a class that is generlly very high EAL with only one native English speaker in each class.

Well Done Reception!