Using Eduglogster for Science
This term we have been using to make multimedia posters as part of our adding text and images topic.
Over the last 6 (40 minute) sessions at our school these are some of the examples we have made.
We used simple search in the first session using and learning how to use "" '-' and '+' for finding the correct web pages and eliminating games from our searches. So we used: brain -games +facts or functions.
Because Kidrex is a custom search engine through Google it uses regular parameters for search that Year 4 later use for insite:"your url here" which comes in handy for searches.
Then, learning to use the web cams to post images of our paper-based learning in topic class. Before, learning to import images from URLs, filming re-takes ourselves, adding titles, changing text sizes, layering and uploading the films from our takes in Windows Movie maker.
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