Using iMovie on the iPad to remake the Lego Cake or Death from Thorn2200

This week I was observed teaching. Not usually a happy affair for some but this time I thought I might use the recent additions to ICT (iPads) I have been making to highlight the need for a larger focus put on ICT in our school.
With the recent training and a happier more creative outlook placed on tackling ICT by placing it firmly at the center of our teaching it was time to put the iPad to test in the very grateful hands of the Year 5 children.
Basically, the future plans are that KS2 will inherit a much overdue injection of iPod touches to cater for bespoke cross-curricular lessons. It means that the children will have a video camera and editing software in their hands; something I think is imperative in modern KS2 ICT. So far the iPads have been for the Reception children only with view to KS1 after Christmas and I needed to see what the limitations are when using them with the older children. This is the rationale anyway! Sometimes I really love my job!
So, the lesson plan is below:
This is the slideshow used for the lesson outline and general beginning.
It outlines the use of scripting and images being used from the Cake or Death Brickfilm:
The reason I chose this as the introduction is that the children who have just started at our school don't have the same wealth of knowledge in Scratch as the others and they have been working on a similarly themed project so this is very familiar.
To begin with I wrote the script out (not just for this lesson I'm hastened to add!)
Then the children followed the intro videos to help them get underway. You can see them in the presentation above so I'll only put the links to the films here:
Film 1 - intro - have a look around iMovie
Film 2 - adding pics through Drop Box
Film 3 - adding finishing touches
So, with a few stops in the lesson to bring the children together and a slight overrun to fill in the form to assess each other's work and upload to dropbox the total time was about 100 minutes. So a double lesson in most cases. This is the form we used to assess each other's work.
Finally, the lesson observation went well and I still have a job! This is one of the final pieces.

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